Browse the music library

These are the tables that are used in the music library database.

Browse the compositions in the music library. This table holds the data about the music in the library. You find here the title, composer, arranger, publish date, etc.
Instrument parts in the library
List ensembles. Bands and smaller ensembles
Search genres. Types of music genre such as "March" or "Symphonic transcription" or "Showtune"
Part types
Search types of parts. Examples are Flute 1 or Tuba
Part type collections
Search types of parts that are collections. A "collection" part type contains two or more instruments on one part. For example, "percussion 1" contains "Cymbal" and "Bass drum"
Paper sizes
Search sizes of parts. This is a lookup table for which size of paper the parts are printed, for example Folio, march or book
A catalog of performance recordings of each composition
Users who can access the database, with username/password and role permissions. Roles are "administrator", "librarian", and "user".

Search compositions

Search the name, description, composer, arranger, and comments

