Browse the music library
These are the tables that are used in the music library database.
- Compositions
- Browse the compositions in the music library. This table holds the data about the music in the library. You find here the title, composer, arranger, publish date, etc.
- Parts
- Instrument parts in the library
- Ensembles
- List ensembles. Bands and smaller ensembles
- Genres
- Search genres. Types of music genre such as "March" or "Symphonic transcription" or "Showtune"
- Part types
- Search types of parts. Examples are Flute 1 or Tuba
- Part type collections
- Search types of parts that are collections. A "collection" part type contains two or more instruments on one part. For example, "percussion 1" contains "Cymbal" and "Bass drum"
- Paper sizes
- Search sizes of parts. This is a lookup table for which size of paper the parts are printed, for example Folio, march or book
- Recordings
- A catalog of performance recordings of each composition
- Users
- Users who can access the database, with username/password and role permissions. Roles are "administrator", "librarian", and "user".