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Music impacts our lives; it can also be a catalyst for social connection and support. Communities can use music programs to create inclusive spaces where people can come together and build relationships. Music has influenced personal transformation for centuries, and its power can be seen in many different contexts, including churches, concert halls, and even in jetliners. ACWE's blog posts reflect transformative power that impact our lives.

Watch the ACWE performance of The Lord Of The Rings Symphony #1

From our performance on May 19, 2024. Now you can see the entire performance on YouTube

Wynton Marsalis performs Amazing Grace: A Dedication to the Cause of Democracy
Jazz reflects the very best principles and practices of democracy. In this video, Wynton Marsalis performs Amazing Grace at Federal Hall in Manhattan.
The Transformative Power of Classical Music
If you ever wondered “what’s the difference between playing notes and playing music?” watch this video. You’ll never forget it.
Playing a musical instrument is the key to success!

Music training is the "key" to success! Creative thinking, years of practice, and competition all contribute.

Music affects your brain

Food, sex and drugs have nothing on music. Playing a musical instrument can make you smarter. Music affects attention and reading ability.

An American in Paris

ACWE plays "An American in Paris" at the 2015 Texas Community Music Festival