ACWE Sponsorship Application 2024-25
Donate online via our PayPal Giving Fund
Send money via Zelle to: acwetreasurer (at) gmail.com
The Austin Civic Wind Ensemble needs your help!
The necessity of civic organizations like ACWE cannot be overstated. Thriving communities require opportunities for people to work together, play together, and - most importantly - grow together. In addition to the study and performance of concert band music, ACWE provides to its 100+ members and its growing audience an invaluable source of community, friendship, trust, and collaboration. Now more than ever, as we prepare to celebrate our 50th anniversary, we need your help to secure ACWE’s future for many years to come!
As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your tax-deductible support will help us cover our annual expenses, including the significant costs of:
- concert venue rental and fees
- new music purchases
- rehearsal space rental
- transporting equipment to and from concerts
- recording fees
How to become a sponsor of ACWE
Please complete our Sponsor Application so that we can recognize your generous support - see below for the benefits we offer to our sponsors! Donate securely online via our PayPal Giving Fund.
We also accept donations by cash, check, and credit/debit card after rehearsals and concerts. Payments by check can be mailed to Austin Civic Wind Ensemble, PO Box 9893, Austin, TX 78766. Please make checks payable to “Austin Civic Wind Ensemble”.
Presenting Sponsor: $1000+ All benefits from the Conductor’s Circle Sponsor level, PLUS announcement of your sponsorship for every concert season during intermission, on social media, and in our programs!
Conductor’s Circle: $500 to $999 All benefits from the Gold Sponsor level, PLUS announcement of your sponsorship for two concert seasons during intermission and on social media AND an invitation to one of our post-concert receptions!
Gold Sponsor: $250 to $499 All benefits from the Silver Sponsor level, PLUS listing in our programs for two concert seasons AND announcement of your sponsorship for one concert season during intermission and on social media (account tagged, by request)
Silver Sponsor: $100 to $249 All benefits from the Friend of ACWE Sponsor level, PLUS listing in our programs* for one concert season, AND your name or company included on ACWE’s sponsor placard** at our Spring concerts!
Friend of ACWE: $50 to $99 Acknowledgement of your sponsorship on ACWE’s website for one year.
*Programs will be provided for all indoor concerts. Names and companies will be included for donations received at least 3 weeks prior to the next concert series. (link to concerts)
** Listings on ACWE’s sponsor placard available for donations received by April 15, 2025!
View a chart of our benefit levels here.
Have a question or comment?
Thank you for considering becoming one of ACWE’s newest supporters. Should you have any questions, please contact our president, Kalyn Cordova, at acwepresident@gmail.com or our treasurer, Jessica Johnson, at acwetreasurer@yahoo.com.
The Austin Civic Wind Ensemble is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.